
Showing posts from June, 2009

We the people

Say what you will about humanity, you can't fault us for not having an ego. Being wrong is something we have a very major problem dealing with. Something, somewhere has gone wrong in more ways than one because it seems almost everyone nowadays wears their ego on their sleeves. And its not just the adults either.Adolescents and tweens alike are steadily shirking responsibility and taking up the words,"Its not my fault". This however is not a discussion of the minor everyday details and squabbles.Whats troubling is the big picture. With this rapid degeneration of a mature sense of responsibility, all our troubles seem to arise from thin air. Fat people arent fat cause they eat too much but because Burger companies didnt warn them.Hah.FAT-lot-of good it does even after that. Teens can get away with anything short of murder because they are faced with "hormonal" changes and imbalances. I ask you, how come our forefathers managed to keep theirs in check? And if they