
Showing posts from September, 2010

Orgasmic Lonliness


For the first time i'm at a total loss for words to describe what I feel. I didn't think it possible to feel so much for someone. And I have felt strongly about so many people - my parents, friends, lovers. And yet there comes a leaf blown from the heavens , a soft angelic caress on your cheek that sends a million shivers down your spine and changes the way you look at the world in general. And what do you do when the leaf blows away and all you are left with is the emptiness of the bare walls that you stare into trying to find some kind of hope or reason. It will of course return in time but till then all you can do is shed a glistening tear onto the motionless floor and lay in the creases of your own hollowness. Miss you doesnt quite describe the pain of needless exile. still....i miss you. :') Happy tears right?