
Showing posts from July, 2010

Contemporary Romance - Seasoned Love

There is love and then there is Love. Of course , I have sometimes drawn parallels between Modern romance and pure lust but even so, there comes a time when the veil of emotions (still saccharine as the first time you ever tasted them upon virgin lips) drops before your eyes and cupid's painfully pleasurable arrows prod deep into your soul. Thusly I set before you a median concept in light of my ever consistent alignment with the grossly neutral. What I tell is a tale of intense desire distilled, liquefied, frozen, melted, centrifuged and subject to such a plethora of unimaginable emotional switch-arounds that in the end what emerged was pure, unadulterated love. Not hard to believe right ? As all great tales, this story to is instanced by the slightest of circumstances. A mere whim as it was. A bored college grad student decided he wanted to do something a little less ordinary with his life and in the process landed himself in the most mind numbing predicament. Six Sigma was neve...