Contemporary Romance - Seasoned Love

There is love and then there is Love. Of course , I have sometimes drawn parallels between Modern romance and pure lust but even so, there comes a time when the veil of emotions (still saccharine as the first time you ever tasted them upon virgin lips) drops before your eyes and cupid's painfully pleasurable arrows prod deep into your soul. Thusly I set before you a median concept in light of my ever consistent alignment with the grossly neutral. What I tell is a tale of intense desire distilled, liquefied, frozen, melted, centrifuged and subject to such a plethora of unimaginable emotional switch-arounds that in the end what emerged was pure, unadulterated love. Not hard to believe right ?

As all great tales, this story to is instanced by the slightest of circumstances. A mere whim as it was. A bored college grad student decided he wanted to do something a little less ordinary with his life and in the process landed himself in the most mind numbing predicament. Six Sigma was never going to be an interesting task. He hadn't expected it to be so. And walking into the air conditioned prison, the lad could do little but slap himself when no one was looking and curse every object in creation. Not a single face looked back with the slightest hint of recognition... not that it would have made much of a difference. Coming from a miserable break up and a load of emotional flotsam, the anonymity and facelessness of his situation was probably what he needed anyhow. Turning into an emotional sack of potatoes had been pretty easy considering the things weighing his mind down, so our protagonist was not in the most sociable frame of mind. Phasing into the back of the class and finding a seat somewhere in the near vicinity of anywheretheproffessorwontlookatme, he proceeded to harass his friends with a steady stream of annoying texts. You know, the classless PJs and puns that would make the most daft 3rd grader raise an eyebrow in sheer disgust. Thankfully after a while (and after some deft convincing on his part) the Moron at the front let him leave. Smiling wickedly at his own prowess the light hearted ass made his way home, his immediate victory raising his otherwise retired spirits.

But fate is never without its intricacies. The weaving fabric of what is and what will be that is spun around us by times ever sewing hand can alter our tiny little worlds in a single stroke. And thats just what it did. The very next day batches were reshuffled and lo ! His very own room mate (Who just by a matter of very eerie coincidence happened to be his nephew) ended up in the same class as him. Well at least now he had someone he could bully talk to without fear of a single, well aimed punch to the gut. Oh what a relief.Really. How could he have imagined in all his despairing anguish that the one thing that would anchor him back to reality was waiting for him there as well ? He couldn't now could he for the little damsel that was about to addle his brain and yank his heart strings was oh so oblivious to his existence.

Nevertheless, Sunday saw him back in the dreary room with droopy lids and a strong yearning to run back to his cozy little room and get the hell back to sleep. Still somehow he managed to prop himself up in place and leaning back into the thinly padded chair began a quick survey of his new territory, much like a mutt in unfamiliar alleys. Something to the left of him piqued his curiosity. A soul that seemed almost as lost and quite as bored as he was. A new interest rose within him as he shifted his focus to this new target and began a quick study. Always one to critically appreciate (or in most instances criticize) those of the fairer and much rarer sex, his attention was immediately drawn to the silky strands of almost perfect hair flowing down her hunched up back. She sat with her elbows on the desk in front of her, a perfect face resting on soft palms. All of this was swept out of his mind however once he saw her turn towards him. No, she wasnt looking right at him, just generally in his direction. What a relief. Whew. Ah dang! Those eyes...... dark orbs rimmed with fine brows slanted inwards and looking expectantly for something to happen. A silent curse went out to his miserable eyes which handicapped him from telling what color they were. Her eyes of course, not his....for a second he felt a spark of emotion well inside perhaps even saw a glimpse of something that could be. Depression though is the worlds best killjoy and the stillborn thoughts faded out from his head even as the eyes persisted in his own.

That was the first time he saw her and in the proceeding lectures he couldn't help but stare at her, hoping against hope that somehow in someway the enigma (to the right and the third row from the front.He ofcourse was still sitting at the back) would notice him. A small, scared part of him even wished she would give a damn. But fate wasn't exactly being friendly with him and so his head just yelled ,"Stop staring. You'l get punched...or kicked....or whatever.Just dont look OK ?"

Three months passed quite as torpidly save the few glimpses our dear laddie would steal of this new obsession he had developed. He even told some of his friends about her. One of them seemed to know her somewhat. It turned out she was from his own hometown ! For some strange reason it filled him with a great deal of satisfaction but did nothing to give him any semblance of courage to even talk to her. On the last day of the course however, he was bursting with excitement. After a week of intense thought, great self motivation and a lot of support from a very special friend he had worked up enough steam in his head to at the very least introduce himself....or die trying. He laughed as he thought about it. His face would turn red, then purple and finally his entire cerebrum would explode in an assortment of party decorations as he tried in vain to tell her how he felt. Quite the amusing thought.

So it was with some joy that he stood up after the class and made his way to the front. He pushed past a crowd of students ahead of him and paid no attention to the infuriated looks they gave him. But then with the kind of size he was, no one was about to say anything about it were they ? Hah. Anyhow, he managed to reach her and as he came up before her (his unhappily sloth like room mate waggling a hand at him to slow down) the curtain came up and the main act was unveiled. Or so he thought at that moment. An overbearingly large fellow waddled up to her and for some reason she seemed completely absorbed in what he was saying. A twang of jealousy shot through him. What right did this random stranger have to come and eclipse his other wise perfect moment of truth ?

"Yaar uska boyfriend hoga. She must be with him". Cold realization smashed against his burning face. Sheepish and broken, he slunk away, just looking back over his shoulder to see the pair talking. He was mad but not for long. The story was over, the book was closed and would soon be a mere volume on the shelf of what iffs. And yet again, fate cackled with glee overhead as he saw the boy struggle with his inner demons and then fall back into hopelessness.

The story didn't end there however, and a subtle agent of some guardian above must have sneaked into the girl's head and addled her brains because for some reason she extended her friendship to a request that previously had been unheeded. Once more our hero's heart flared but this time not so much with lustful passion as a desire for companionship. The one basic need that fuels humans to throng together and hobnob in grossly large numbers. Thusly were the seeds of love planted in my heart by you my sweeet chocopie.

Love you.


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