
Showing posts from June, 2012

Gestures of the inferior subjects

Check out my latest musical piece in progress at Gestures of the inferior subjects feel free to drop a comment good or otherwise :)

Uncharted Waters

I wonder sometimes as to the complexities of the simplest thing of all - Life. Existence is the quintessential element of being which is of course the basis of all presences in the Universe whether celestial or pan-terrestrial. And yet for something that is the founding stone of literally all else, it is shrouded in so much doubt and uncertainty. No, I am not arguing creationism versus evolution. It is well established that evolution brought us from the chemical soup we once were to the functional multicellular organic processors we are. For in fact, we are nothing more that walking, talking and pooping computers really. More so today than we ever were. But here again I ramble as usual. I suppose my chips are a bit fried. To make a clearer point, I just recently got transferred to Pune, which is the equivalent of a million miles from my home. The very environment around me has suddenly morphed into something I am unused to. In the muddle of settling down, it occurred to me that if