Uncharted Waters

I wonder sometimes as to the complexities of the simplest thing of all - Life.

Existence is the quintessential element of being which is of course the basis of all presences in the Universe whether celestial or pan-terrestrial. And yet for something that is the founding stone of literally all else, it is shrouded in so much doubt and uncertainty. No, I am not arguing creationism versus evolution. It is well established that evolution brought us from the chemical soup we once were to the functional multicellular organic processors we are. For in fact, we are nothing more that walking, talking and pooping computers really. More so today than we ever were. But here again I ramble as usual. I suppose my chips are a bit fried.

To make a clearer point, I just recently got transferred to Pune, which is the equivalent of a million miles from my home. The very environment around me has suddenly morphed into something I am unused to. In the muddle of settling down, it occurred to me that if I was to consider myself as an organic whizmo-gizmo created from the scientific progression of evolution, then the patterns that the universe follow must have some very interesting algorithms. Essentially, what makes the world tick ? Or on a grander scale - what governs the totallity of occurrences across the cosmos.

We know the universe is expanding every second. Everything is in motion, gravity being the master force behind the scenes. Building upon this knowledge, we should at some level be able to take an educated guess(with a moderate degree of permissible error) as to how everything moves. But this isn't the case. Things don't always happen as planned. Who's plan you ask? Well if each thing is ordered and measurable, there must be a purpose. I'm a programmer so I understand that once a rule is put in place, it holds true. But each rule exists to some end.and there is a reason for its existence. Here we now come back to what I opened with, existence.

Existence expands beyond sometihng - be it a gas, neutrino or even the local bus, simply being there. Evolution is based on need and if need is what drives the Universe then for anything to exist it must be required. Which begs the question, why was the Universe itself required at all ? If all it does is wash, rinse and repeat itself till it is tied up into a pretty knot of questions we cannot answer, then why in the name of whatever is to be held in high regard did it come to be? The Big Bang was the starting point of all Existence, and if we believe this then there must be a rational for it occurring in the first place. I see this everywhere in nature. There is equitable exchange (If you are familiar with The Full Metal Alchemist then you might remember this one :P) all around you. The food chain, the seasons, life, death. Each action and noun has its own reason for being there. If so, is it not logical to conclude that existence must then necessarily have "a reason to exist" as a prerequisite? And if so, what about our very own lives.

A giant explosion hurls unimaginable quantities of life giving gas into the blatantly obvious plane of existence. Or is it that we are but a non existent thought in the brain of a super-universal entity, wherein we shall live our days and perish as nothing more than a chemical change(if there exists a chemical in such a being at all). That apart, if we narrow our scope now to only us humans, after so very many million years we finally came to be a through a steady streamlining of the organic computer. Evolution of life so closely resembles the evolution of computers that it borders on the strange and lives in the remarkable. Behemoths dying off and leaner, faster and more intelligent machines/creatures taking there place. But computers exist for a purpose. They are built as means to an end. What is essential then is to find our purpose. Else we rely on the unreliable - "Existence justifies existence". If indeed it did, we would still see dodo birds and big ass dinosaurs today.

More tomorrow :)


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