New hopes spring

28th December 2008:

Well well well...
Seems not everything is as dark and grey in my little hell.I suddenly got reaquainted with this angelic and oh-so-cool girl I knew from school.....I actually sat and chatted with her for long while today.At the very least this seems to be the start of something remotely interesting in my boring life.
That is if you call organizing an end of year party boring....and having to dj the party as well boring...and being a sleeping zombie while writing your blog boring.
But I digress, the point is this - today was a (GASP!!!) good day.Im forced to admit that.Its a terrible thing to come to terms with but apparently such things happen to me as well.Afterall even the greatest have their flaws.If I was perfect I would be god.And im not because clearly I am not able to get around this little free will thing.A nd my Flameball and Lightning bolt seem to be giving me trouble as well..Ah well....

Thats about it for the day I suppose.Barring the fact that in an unrelated incident I stepped on and accidentaly killed an ant and a number of its friends were caught in the aftermath as I tried to console them with my left shoe!



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