Queror of Diligo

Excuse my Latin,
I never learnt it....thankfully there are a wide variety of online translators available for the purpose of simplistic translation.Ha.Amazing what you can do with a little modern technology.

Well...today certainly was an interesting day...
The coffee thing never quite happened but I went for basketball with my friend anyhow.Guess who beat who? Well ofcourse, he wiped my butt all across the damn court.I dont know why I even bother trying.I just want to wipe that smirk off his face once...Grrrrr..

Then we headed off for something to eat.Good thing about being home is somehow you seem to spend less on food even if you technically eat more than you normally do in college.I dont know, its kinda like a sister law to Murphy's. Its difficult to explain but we all know it holds good no matter what.
Well so we ate at this place called Melting Moments and headed off towards mah friends college for some work he had to do.On the way he met up wid some other buds of his who he hadnt seen in years and we all got together and caught up on a lot of weird shit that has happened to all of us...blah blah blah.To cut it short, I found myself sitting on the steps of a quaint little coaching center with my dear friends egging me on to go to this eating joint called Nany's.Wonderful.We dont have any mode of transport so weve been basically walking a LOT.And thats barring the basketball.So my legs are aching and when I'm half way to the court who do I see but oh my lovely lil ex with her stupid friends right infront of the place I'm going to eat.Now I dont have a problem with her....but ....I mean....I'm trying to avoid her that much is obvious...did she have to show up? Is it too much to ask if I want her to evaporate from my life?How much pain can a poor guy take. Bleh...well atleast the cows gotten fat.Ha.

This entire bedlam of events had me pretty shocked so I calmed my nerves down with a nice hot coffee and some sandwhiches and then walked back to my friends place where I spen the rest of the day banging my head against a keyboard and playing his younger brother's guitar which I very conviniently "borrowed".


Im evil....say it....I know it....XD

Btw...heres something whack:Pretty cool setup huh? Wish i owned it...

Now for the discussion I promised but never delievered.

THOUGHT AND THINKING>>>>the Dead Poets take on where its all headed<<<<<<

Well, for starters its really very sad to see that although we continue harping on the greatness of the Indian Educational System and despite several major attempts to stimulate the fast dying grey cells of our future generations, there is a continued drop in the number of "thinking" people.And by thinking I don't mean the Illuminati or intelligentsia.No.I mean the real,honest-to-goodness thinking people.Ones who dont only ponder what makes bosons and mesons go whack-a-do or why alpha Hydrogens so important.That is actually not as important as REAL thinking.

So what is REAL thinking?

Ah.That my friend is where things start to get a little interesting.You see most people have forgotten that true thought stems not from what is but what isnt.Our imagination coupled with the amazing uuber power called our brain(Coincidentally our brain holds the imagination but thats inconsiquential) is an infinite resource of limitless thought.Through it we can delve into a thousand possibilities of what is, what was and what can be.Perhaps even glimpse the future.An believe me it is as amazing as it sounds, no more and no less.
Real thoughts can be loosely taken to be any stray thought that enters an idle mind.The time and position at which the thought occur arent important.It could be while listening to your boring girlfriend drone on about her family, while brushing your teeth or even right after you've had the most pathetic excuse for sex in your life.Thats right.Real thoughts can happen anytime anywhere and anyhow.
Thus one must draw in from this that real thinking is the exercise or act of engaging in any mentally stimulating thought that may or may not be of scholarly value.But then how is it different from any other random thought that enters our quite commonly thick skulls?
Well its not.Thats the point.If you sit a thousand monkeys at a thousand typewriters they will bang out a shakespeare.So if you let a million stupid minds fill themselves with gibberish for long enough and if enough dumb ideas go around....well finally you will get some ideas that work.Invention has and will always be the way to forge ahead.Its great to find a good road and travel it regularly but you cant forget that there was some idiot who got drunk and stumbled upon the shortcut to begin with.

And where does all this lead us?
Hm.Well you see kids nowadays and unfortunately most of their friends,brethren and parents too are letting their brains sleep.Sure they will get their high scores and the teachers will pat them on the back, smooth their hair back and plant large kisses on their foreheads.But whats really behind those overly large spectacles our youth has on?
One word ----- NUMBSKULL.
Barring the precious few things they are taught in the rotten excuses for schools our country has, these poor fools know little else.Forget current affairs....they probably never ever sit and think,"Whats the purpose of life? Why am I here? What am I doing? Where am I going? Why am i going in for Engineering? Why should I be a Doctor? ".
Goddammit.Its an abomination! A bloody sacriledge and an unholy waste of something as special as the brains god gave us.The whole point of being sentient is that you can THINK!!!
Mugging up is the human equivalent of what animals do.Eat sleep shit repeat with mating thrown in for good measure.
We have mug up->spew->get marks ->repeat
(Note to programmers:No witty comments on the ->)

I'm sleepy so we break it off here today but I'm coming back tomorrow with more ranting and raving and much more talk about why the world needs more terrorists!

h4x0r signs off!


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