
The sun goes down and another day falls silent.But does it really?

27th December 2008,
An important day? Perhaps not...but it is yet another day that I find my body willing and able to cope with the frustrating life I have.
A semester at my wonderful college(dont miss the oodles of sarcasm please) has just about come to an end.Much sadness and grief there.Ha.

Ofcourse there is some genuine sadness at the change of sections.While I'm glad some of the more I-need-to-kill-them elements are gone, a few people who I had grown quite fond of have departed from mein section in a rather unseemly way.Boohoo.And thats it for the tears.

It took me hours to get up today.Seeing as how dad and me did get back to Doon after hours of road trippin at 2am and had no energy left.Finally managed to get my laptop ordered after hours an hours of searching.I didnt know it could be that hard to find a particular model.Damn.Well atleast I know its on its way.Hopefully it will reach me and I can enjoy the wonders of a new age gizmo that was much needed and waaaaaaaaaay overdue.

Grief- Yes ofcourse, my life is never without a little serving of this spicy condiment.My gorgeously cute ex with her wonderfully large black eyes talked to me on Orkut.Sure I acted pretty cold but seriously I miss her....I miss her so bloody much and hope each day that the bastard she is with dies or something...

Joy-Paraanthas with meat pickle! Yummy yummy.I havent eaten this well in all the 6 months at college.Hostel life is fun but seriously ive dropped more inches from my waist than is health.Looking lyk a stick figure now.Lol.

Basically nothing interesting besides that for the day.I intend to go out and meet my friend tomorrow.Poor guy broke his wrist playing basketball .That and his mom is a wonderful cook and seems to enjoy stuffing any one who happens to drop by so hehehehehehe XD

I am starting work on my new music composition from tomorrow and that a promise to myself.Ive put it off for tooo long.No self respecting musician can drop his passion and love for this long.I might actually have to (GASP) practice.

Well thats all I have to say for today.Guess there will be more boring nonsense to write tomorrow and the day after that as well.Bullshit, it seems has a wonderful way of never ending.Just where it comes from and unto where it disappears is a mystery that has long since baffled me and many others....i presume.That is if there are anyother jobless bastards with nothing better to do than think...

Thinking i think will be our next topic of thought and discussion..
So Au Revoir!

Dj h4xor signs off


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