Which way is up?

Well well well.Back in college I am and isnt life just grand?
Just another bunch of people I have to deal with who have no understanding of who or what I am or exactly what I feel.But ofcourse I understood that before I even came here.Its been like that since the beginning of time ... or well since I was born...which isnt exactly the same thing but thats not the point to begin with now is it?

Well I did manage to save up a 1000 bucks this time around.Woohoo.Not bad for 3 straight days of starving but then again who said money comes without its price? Sure I could have been stuffing myself full of puke smelling goo but I prefer to spend my green on something of more use....like a bass guitar for instance.

Anyhooo....this is just me checkin in to reup this lil blog of mine.If any of you fools really do read this please dont hold me responsible for anything written here. Its just the little voice inside my head telling me what to do....I cant control it.!!!


Dead poet out.


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