A certain something

Well its that god damn time of the year again when all the bright faced little teens with their bright eyes little lovers flock around holding hands, kissing and basically making a god darn nuisance of themselves.Ofcourse the fact I am omitting from this little rant is that the only reason their imitations of writhing reptiles makes me nauseous in because its almost 14th feb. and I still dont have a date.Damn it! What the hell is wrong here?
Its not that I dont try.I guess its just that I dont care enough.Is that wrong somehow? To expect the other person to support the relationship completely?
Coz ever since my most recent breakup I have more or less decided any girl who wants to be with me can make up her own goddamn mind and come and tell me.I am NOT spending time and energy on something where the odds of getting a negative response are ridiculously high.
No no no no no no...
I think I'd much rather just wallow in a bit of self pity.And then eat a nice big bowl of hot chocolate fudge.Which isn't on our hostels menu card just so you are curious.So it entails me spending a cool 200 bucks on getting fat.wow.Sounds like a plain dont it?

I have been feeling rather poetic of late.Maybe its because my wonderful little ex(An I do mean very very little) just recently parted ways from the guy she so desperately wanted that she felt compelled to leave me.Well whatever be the case.The art juice floweth and the cup spilleth over.so here a lil something for everyone....

For years we've searched the heavens high,
stared hard at hell below.
To find a glimmer, a whispered sigh,
of the truth we search for so.

Through ups and downs and ins and outs,
Past hurdles big and small,
We braved all odds and thwarted doubt,
lest indecision be our fall.

Yet never once did we sideways glance,
to peek at neighbours face.
While crying for answers,for just one chance,
For the heavenly one's embrace.

Right in our midst the maker be,
his footsteps do resound.
My kith,my kin, if you'd only see,
Twas us that maketh the sound!

-th3 dEaD poEt.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 'love' is wht the trouble is :P
    sometimes the ones we love the most can leave us lost but then u wake up n its a brand new day again...
    i loved the poem...u shud write more often though :)


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