
After a kind of longish break Im back!!!!!!!!!!
Time to write and let the creative juices flow..... or not. Turns our theres more creativity going in than coming out of me at the minute. What exactly that is supposed to mean still eludes me at the minute. What? Excuse me? Huh?

No it doesn't make any sense and theres no point trying to piece it together because as i said, it just doesn't make any sense. I didn't make it that way. Go alone knows why I'm writing today. I think its just because I love the feel of my fingers flowing over my keyboard as I smash out word after word of hueless color onto a semi normal segment of my virtuality. Theres nothing wrong with it. This is my alter ego after all.

Ah yes. For those who didn't notice (And I really doubt anyone really does) this blog right here is my middle finger to the entire world and its mean little denizens. The teaming numbers of mindless and faceless work ants scurrying about not realising their own futility. Talked of this before have I ? Maybe. maybe not. Whichever the case may be it takes naught away from the fact that it brings me an immense amount of satisfaction to sit behind my pathetic laptop and spew forth a gush of words onto my ever lustful screen that takes whatever my keys may throw at it. Theres a little subvert sexual innuendo for you. Hahahaha. I love writing so STFU.


I love my life.Love my blog. Love my parents.Love my wife.
Muah muah muah to all three...



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