Internal Elements

I've been lost to myself for a while now...and for some reason I've found bliss in this oblivion. Its pretty true what they say, ignorance is really bliss. If only our minds would let us forget our larger problems for the immediate present, just enough for us to live moment to moment. That in itself is enough for a happy life. The thinking mind troubles itself too much with both temporal directions and drifts from the honesty of its reality.

The present is truly a gift and one must strive to enjoy it as much as possible. The future is too far and the past cannot be changed. If you let your internal self ponder on the more pressing matters, soon enough it becomes obvious that the state we live in can be the happiest one.

I don't believe in any deity in particular. And for the most part, the satisfaction people get from religion eludes me. But there seems to be a greater force in the Universe than gravity for gravity itself must come from something ?

The satisfaction of living comes from breaking free from the cycle of Chaos. The bind of time keeps us in an illusion of control which in turn leads us to believe time flows. Yet, if you look close, the mist lifts and you see that life itself is a series of static "slices". A jump from one event node to another.

And then what is happiness ? Merely a state of bliss when a 'node' in the tree of life meets a certain set of cutoffs that vary person to person. Since this quantification for a person is not that hard, an individual can obviously see how silly it is to believe that each fragmented block of life can meet this criterion.

The key is to simply transition from one phase to the next and accept it as it is. The acceptance will itself allow us to enjoy the good and the bad.

Have a great day :)


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