Realising the Obvious

I have always maintained that change is inevitable and with that theme in mind, I try to be as open to changes in my life as I can possibly afford to be. However, sometimes the changes are so radical that they surprise me and make me want to just curl up and snuggle back into the warmth of my blanket while murmuring ," Go away stupid world".
I was supposed to go meet my parents who are just back from way over the ocean. Seems simple enough but due to a series of horrible coincidences I just wasn't able to. Well on its own that might seems to be not that big a deal but yesterday, the whole insane week came to a ridiculously terrible end. I went to the bus station to go home but there was no bus available. I called my parents and told them I was going back to my flat and would try and catch the bus the next day. Which was fine of course. Loving understanding people both of them. On the way back home, on the metro my sim card got de registered from the network and they couldn't reach me. Me being the lazy ass i am and not checking my cell ever, I didn't even notice no one was calling me.(No one calls me anyways so I was like meh.) So I wake up today and I tried to call them and figured my network was dead. So i trotted down to the provider's office and caused a minor thunderstorm over there. After getting them to fix things up, I was on my way home when my best buddy calls me up and tells me my entire family is going bananas trying to get in touch with me. Oh Holy Shit.
So now I'm on my way to the bus stand trying desperately to put my other sim into my phone while people stare at me as if I'm a luncatic. Haha...silent growl. Well thats done and I'm at the bus stand but wait.... there aren't any buses available because there is some political thingummy. So when I finally call up home mom is in tears, dad is furious and apparently i'm the devil child that ruined their trip home. Oh bananas. I feel awful and don't how what the fudge and cream to do. So i come back home, order Hot chocolate Fudge and wallow in my own grief while downing what is sure to give me a heart attack one of these days.

So yes, change happend. It happens. Chocolate fudge is delicious and a great way to improve your mood. But I guess I can't mope forever. So brave face on and time to bear the many grudges all set against me. TADAAAAAAAAA!


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