Underbreath muttering of woes

This world, like most other worlds, is victim to its own virtues. The complexities of life stem from the beauty which attracts to life in the first place. Come to think of it wouldn't everything have been much simpler if our forefathers, the single celled thingummys hadn't decided to spring up out of the blue ? Yes, quite certainly a much neater and organised world would have existed. But evolution happened much to our horror, and with it came a long series of constantly occurring changes that have resulted in the tangled mess of our lives as we lead them today.
Take people for example. Brilliant creatures they may be but surely some of the most difficult to quantify and rationalise for what explanation is there ever for anything we do. the deep seated motives and subsurface mediations layered with over tones of self righteousness tend to make the bi-pedal mammals almost the most damned-if-i-understand-it things on the planet.
Love seems to be a central theme in most of my communiques and not surprisingly, here too you shall find me sharing some views in that regard. How is it that if you take a cranially well endowed male human and place him next to a mammarially well endowed female, the latter causes all of the surprisingly powerful mental faculties to go out of the window all thanks to 3 inches of shrivelled meat revealing itself with full gusto ? Its preposterous. And yet everyday, the masses swarm by providing an ample load of examples for this very case,
Oh I have loved. And let me tell you it is no walk in the park. The careless lover will say,"Oh I care not what may.My love will conquer all!". But this self0same fellow will be the first to abandon ship when the titanic starts to sink.
Im done for the day Just needed an outlet.Thank you for not listening and/or not caring.

Toodles and good luck.


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