
30th December 2009

Why oh why oh why oh why?
Why the hell did I decide to go walking in the worst, most worn out, pathetic shoes with my hair a total mess.I could actually hear the snickers as I walked along.Okay, so it wasn't THAT long a walk.But it was pretty far to go in bad shoes.All the way from Nemi Road to Hathibarkala.Meeeeh.
With nothing better to do I let my thoughts wander and while crossing a particularly busy stretch of road I had an interesting personal breakthrough!
So ready or not here I go.From today I refuse to be taken for granted.I'm giving up my softer than mush center and letting it harden all the way to my armored exterior.Afterall, that kind of personality would suit my incredible size and stature.Hehe...Im also planning to go in for a Gajhini style haircut.Mebe my packs and cuts arent quite upto the 8 pack chiseled to perfection level but then again I'm not a 5'5 midget.
My dear friend dodged the coffee again so its seeming as if I'm going to have to find something better to do...oh well if the fun wont come to me I guess I will have to make some!

Tomorrow is the 31st of the last month of the year.Wow. A big day which strangely enough comes every year at around the same time.Believe me, Its just another excuse to get plastered and dig up old and utterly boring stories about the most readily available person.(In most cases if my family is considered this would be me so you see where this is going...).We are going to have a BIG party....or so I'm told. I know just whats going to happen so I for one dont really care what they do at home.Just more relatives to deal with...oh great :/

Ofcourse, there is a slight glimmer of home in the fact that a friend of mine(God they pop up like crazy around the place) has called me out to meet his new girlfriend.Nice eh? For HIM!Aaargh.Frustration thy sting pierceth deep.Hope my friend intends to pay for the coffee.Hehehehehehehe coz i have no intention of carrying money.HAHAhaHHAHA!

Back to the thought thinking thingy.

Im too tired/lazy to do this today.See you tomorrow.


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