Heres yet another forlorn piece of verse for the ones with a broken or breaking heart. Read it and weep you poor poor souls.

Love is not peace but an endless war,
One must fall while the other shall endure.
The say love heals, all pains can it vanquish,
But loving you is no joy, just infinite anguish.

Tis your face that I seek when morn bids me awake,
your mischevious smile, your head's tiny shake.
As you glance up at me, the moments ever so rare,
But precious no doubt, for they make my breast flare.

Soon enough though,you'l make my heart shudder,
when I see so blissfull with some nameless other.
As unworthy as me, yet somehow in your favor,
Silently, I walk on, tis true loves labour.

To watch but not have,
To give but not get.
To hurt and not show it,
But one thing you forget.

My love I am mortal,a man made of flesh,
Desire has its limits, tis not an infinite plesh.
Thy actions do cut me, if these games you must play,
I'll up with another and be off on my way !!!


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