30th December 2009 Aaaaaaargh!!!! Why oh why oh why oh why? Why the hell did I decide to go walking in the worst, most worn out, pathetic shoes with my hair a total mess.I could actually hear the snickers as I walked along.Okay, so it wasn't THAT long a walk.But it was pretty far to go in bad shoes.All the way from Nemi Road to Hathibarkala.Meeeeh. With nothing better to do I let my thoughts wander and while crossing a particularly busy stretch of road I had an interesting personal breakthrough! So ready or not here I go.From today I refuse to be taken for granted.I'm giving up my softer than mush center and letting it harden all the way to my armored exterior.Afterall, that kind of personality would suit my incredible size and stature.Hehe...Im also planning to go in for a Gajhini style haircut.Mebe my packs and cuts arent quite upto the 8 pack chiseled to perfection level but then again I'm not a 5'5 midget. My dear friend dodged the coffee again so its seeming as if ...